Hello all!
This is the first time I post to this forum in order to find new ideas about a doubt that has been torturing me. No one in my congregation was capable of providing me with a reasonable explanation, and the Society did not answered my letter about this sincere doubt of mine. So, any help will be appreciated!
I will try to be concise...
You all know that we have been taught that Jehovah allowed a
considerable amount of time (6,000 years) for Men to try every single type of Government - without God's help or intervention - to prove that Men cannot suitably rule themselves apart of God. See the brochure 'Does God Really Care About Us? - dg1992 part 6 - paragraphs 4-7.
Unfortunately, I've found a conflict between this and what the Bible shows Jehovah did.
Carefully read the Bible in Genesis 11:1-9. Pay special attention to the end of verse 6, which more or less says:
'Look, nothing that they wish to do will be unreachable to them!' Sorry, I don't have our New World Translation at hand now...
Couldn't this 'nothing that they wish to do will be unreachable' reasonably include 'suitably ruling themselves apart from God'?
Satan could reasonably complain that Jehovah did interfered with the form of Government that the Mankind was trying to build up RIGHT FROM ITS BEGINNING.
The further 6,000 years claimed to be 'reasonable amount of time' for solving the Government issue, in fact, were spoiled by the separation of the Mankind into different languages and, consequently, religions. You know that these two factors are the biggest barriers to the unity of Mankind.
What would have happened to Men if Jehovah did not interfere back there in Babel? We will never know.
Some brothers have argued that life under Nimrod's rule would have been horrible with his love to kill for fun. But this is not a valid argument because the existence of Mankind was not threatened. Nimrod was killing thousands. What about the millions killed in the World War I and II? And this is not really the point. The point is that Jehovah should not have intervened in any way, otherwise the 6,000 years period are invalidated.
Other brothers say that 'Jehovah does things at His own time because 6,000 years is 'just like past yesterday', and we creatures must obey and trust Him in His decisions.
So, in this case we are forced to conclude that Jehovah preferred to allow His human sons to suffer during a period of time that FOR HIM is short, but that it is so long for His creatures (let's not forget the suffering of the animals).
Isn't Jehovah intelligent enough to find out another "solution" for the Sovereign issue?
Wouldn't His supreme LOVE demand for an alternative solution?
Do you think was it fair to "give credit" to the questionings of evil Satan by allowing 6,000 years of desgrace for so many
innocents? Just to prove it for real? Why such a need? Isn't the meaning of God's name 'I am what I am?'
If we have to accept the designations of Jehovah because He has the rights for that, why wasn't the same behavior demanded from Satan and the other rebels in the beginning?
At Eden, Jehovah could easily show to all involved a sort
of "Photodrama of the Future Without God's Government".
To all good wise ones, seeing those images of starving children, bloody wars, horrible diseases, extreme pollution, nuclear explosions, to mention just a few, would be quite enough to outcry: "Jehovah is the true God, and He deserves to rule! Death to the rebels without delay! No need to wait for the Armagedom time! The Mankind does not need to suffer all these things for real!"
And, then, Jehovah would really be known as LOVE. But, unfortunately, being things like we see today in the whole world, I can hardly say that Jehovah has showed empathy concerning His innocent creatures.
So, I hope you understand what I want to say above. Please, help me to solve these horrible doubts that are tormenting my sincere heart. Most probably I am missing some important point that, unfortunately, no one was able to show me so far.
You may post your message here or sending an e-mail to [email protected]
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Sincere Inquirer